AMAX Layout

Our AI Solutions are Trusted by Industry Leaders

  • Specialized AI Computing Solutions - AMAX designs infrastructure that caters to both training and inference, supporting enterprise applications across various industries.
  • Preferred by Major Research Institutions and Enterprises - More than 100,000 engineers and researchers rely on AMAX for robust AI infrastructure solutions, including top universities and global corporations.
  • Equipped with Advanced NVIDIA GPUs - Our platforms are powered by the latest NVIDIA technologies, including GH200 Grace Hopper™ Superchips and H100 and H200 Tensor Core GPUs, ensuring optimal performance.
  • Customizable Deployment Options - We offer a variety of GPU instance types, tailored to meet the needs of diverse AI projects.
  • Optimized for High-Performance AI Workloads - AMAX systems are ready with popular AI frameworks to facilitate immediate deployment and rapid development cycles.